Guiyang centered on people to promote urbanization


Guiyang and Guian New Area in Southwest China's Guizhou province have promoted a new urbanization oriented around people since the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), making the city more suitable for living and working.


Relocated residents thrive through hard work


The relocation site in Jiangjiazhai village is the largest of its kind, covering an area of hundreds of mu, and housing 5,836 relocated residents from 1,380 households.


Guiyang and Guian to drive high-quality growth in forestry industry


An action plan designed to boost the high-quality growth of the forestry industry in Guiyang and Guian New Area was issued recently.


2021 Safe Production Month campaign initiated in Guiyang


Guiyang initiated a themed campaign on June 4 aimed at strengthening the overall responsibilities of construction firms.


Xifeng redoubles efforts to raise quality of villagers' accommodation


Xifeng in Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou province, has launched a campaign to raise the standard of accommodation for rural citizens.


Guizhou supports Guiyang in applying for city renewal pilot zone


The city of Guiyang is steadily pushing forward with its city renewal work, according to a recent symposium.


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Guiyang China © The Guiyang Municipal People's Government. All Rights Reserved.
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