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Qingzhen home to over 100,000 talents

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-08-23

In recent years, Qingzhen city in Guiyang, Southwest China's Guizhou province, has been vigorously carrying out a talent-driven development strategy, focusing on talent attraction, cultivation, utilization, and retention.

There are now 109,800 talents in Qingzhen, accounting for over 17 percent of the permanent resident population. Among them, 1,600 talents are in government positions, 12,000 are in business management, 31,000 are professional and technical talent, 57,000 are skilled talent, and 8,200 are practical talent in rural areas.

Qingzhen has collected, categorized and updated high-quality employment positions, forming a demand-oriented talent supply list. Talent recruitment fairs have also been held both on-site and online.

The government has established awards for teachers recommending outstanding talent and awards for enterprises hiring talent. Incentives for talent who choose to settle down in Qingzhen have also been rolled out, including housing discounts and one-time settlement allowances. 

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