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New rural development model propels villages toward prosperous life

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2024-07-11

Since 2022, Guiyang City and Gui'an New Area have been exploring and implementing a new "1+1" rural development model in which village collective economic organizations hold the majority shares and villagers become shareholders in joint operations, delivering strong results in many villages.

Tianxing village, located in Xiaozhaiba town, Xifeng county, Guiyang, has leveraged the development model to vigorously promote the forestry derived economy. Through unified efforts, the village has cultivated the "Xingtianxing" brand of agricultural and related products, focusing on a comprehensive industrial chain including the production and sale of broilers, laying hens, egg noodles, spicy chicken, and chili chicken.

In 2023, Xifeng Nanji Xingwang Agricultural Development Co achieved operational revenue of 4.77 million yuan ($656,466.25), while the collective economic cooperative society of Tianxing village distributed dividends totaling 262,300 yuan, with an additional 250,000 yuan distributed among other villagers and shareholders from market entities.

Meanwhile in 2023, the county's Gaodong village also implemented the development model involving village collectives, villagers, and enterprises. It utilized over 2,100 mu (140 hectares) of land to cultivate prickly pear cactus. Simultaneously, it established production workshops to process prickly pear into dried slices, dried fruits, fruit preserves, pulp, and other products, achieving a total output value exceeding 2 million yuan. This initiative has boosted incomes for more than 200 local planting households.


Tianxing village in Xifeng county sees its first collective economic dividend distribution. [Photo/Xiaozhaiba town government] 




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