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Shuanglong zone to organize various talent day-themed activities

english.guiyang.gov.cn |Updated: 2024-04-25 16:35:24

The Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone will organize 10 talent day-themed activities, including talent exchanges, night market recruitment, policy briefings, and initiatives for the employment and entrepreneurship, until the end of May in order to promote the gathering of talents.

About 30 to 50 expert talents will be invited to visit the Shuanglong zone's industrial parks to learn about the work done in its central area, the status of major projects, as well as to discuss its development changes.

By leveraging the zone's cross-border e-commerce industrial park, a platform for cross-border e-commerce exchange and learning will be established. It will combine "case explanation + experience sharing + exchange Q&A + practical teaching". 

This platform will invite experts in the field of cross-border e-commerce and internet influencers to conduct specialized cross-border e-commerce training sessions for entrepreneurial teams, college and university students, and cross-border e-commerce enterprises.

In addition, the zone will organize two to three dozen companies to conduct night market recruitment activities at venues such as the Sasseur (Guiyang) Outlets and Colorful Guizhou Town. This will create a unique platform for both enterprises and job seekers, allowing recruiting companies to showcase their job vacancies in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere and enabling job seekers to find suitable employment during their leisure time.

Furthermore, a diverse range of activities, including live job-shadowing events, career planning training, and express industry skills competitions, will be organized to provide robust talent support for the development of the Shuanglong zone.

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