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Shuanglong zone becomes fertile ground for talent development

english.guiyang.gov.cn |Updated: 2024-04-09 17:13:15

In recent years, the Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone has focused on attracting, nurturing, utilizing, and retaining talents in order to provide strong talent support for the zone's high-quality development.

In 2023, the zone invited over 30 students from Guizhou University, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, and Guizhou Minzu University to visit the zone and gain insights on its economic, social, cultural, and tourism sectors.

This innovative approach not only promoted the zone, but also provided an opportunity for the students to gain early knowledge of the zone's job market and establish connections for future employment opportunities.

Since 2022, the zone has attracted 242 high-level talents, 2,071 manufacturing talents, 1,917 big data talents, and 49 entrepreneurial talents.

While continuously attracting talents, the zone has also focused on talent cultivation, innovating training methods, and establishing a diversified, integrated, refined, and comprehensive talent training mechanism. These efforts were implemented to promote the growth of various talent levels and continuously strengthen the talent pool.

The Guiyang University-Shuanglong entrepreneurship and innovation base has employed over 50 entrepreneurship mentors who regularly provide guidance and consulting services to start-up teams in the zone as well as university graduates.

The zone is dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming environment for talents, providing them with targeted and diversified services in order to address concerns related to entrepreneurship, housing, settlement, and skills enhancement.

In 2023, the zone disbursed over 800,000 yuan ($110,592.74) in rental subsidies and skills enhancement incentives to more than 40 young talents. It also provided 13 talent apartments for 15 high-level talents.

Moving forwards, the zone will continue to carry out talent recruitment, training, exchange, innovation, and entrepreneurship activities, in order to further drive the zone's overall development.

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