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Yunyan district starts renovations on two shanty towns

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2021-05-24

Yunyan district in Guiyang, the capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province, started renovating two shanty towns in the Xiaoguan and Sanma areas on May 18 and 19, respectively. The aim is to accelerate the promotion of new urbanization.

The Xiaoguan area will be renovated into a smart eco-city that will cover an area of 465.36 hectares, integrating functions such as education, culture, sports, healthcare, accommodations and residences after completion.

The Samma area renovation project covers a total land area of 335.04 mu (22.34 hectares), involving 1,273 households. With an investment of 5.2 billion yuan ($808.6 million), the project will cover a total construction area of about 790,000 square meters. Once completed, the area will be equipped with an 18-class kindergarten, a 24-class primary school and a 24-class middle school.

Yunyan district will implement 26 renovation projects this year, including the shanty town renovation projects, according to an official from the district.

From 2021 to 2023, Yunyan district will renew 76,954 shanty towns and old communities and renovate 244 narrow back streets and lanes. Among them, it will renovate 61,273 shanty towns covering 10.36 million sq m, and 15,681 old communities covering 1.05 million sq m.


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