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Exchange set to improve Yunyan residents' livelihoods

yunyan.english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2019-11-18

Wang Feng, deputy secretary of the CPC Yunyan district committee, led a delegation on a field inspection of Guizhou Zhonghang Elevator Co Ltd Nov 13, to have further talks on installing elevators in some old communities. 


Wang Feng (R), deputy secretary of the CPC Yunyan district committee, learns about production at a workshop run by Guizhou Zhonghang Elevator Co Nov 13. [Photo/yunyan.gov.cn]

The inspection tour also represented Yunyan's efforts to improve residential conditions, step up residents' happiness, and promote the development of medium and high-end manufacturing across the district. 

The delegation comprised officials from other government organs, including Yunyan science and technology bureau and the commerce bureau, and visited projects, listened to project reports and gained knowledge of costs, maintenance and problems. 

Hu Ming, chairman of Zhonghang Elevator, gave details of a public service platform, which was exclusively developed by the company based on the internet of things, intelligent production line construction and the company's overall development, production and sales. 

Wang pointed out that Zhonghang's practice of replacing laborers with intelligent production lines was a good means of improving accuracy and quality and reducing costs. He said the installation of elevators in old communities is a great project for Yunyan to improve people's livelihoods, and Zhonghang's business operations produce a deep integration of technology and life. 

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