Kaiyang zone reaches half of industrial economic development goal


The Kaiyang Economic Development Zone has completed half of its annual goals for industrial economic development and construction.


Kaiyang inks cooperation deal with Guiyang agricultural group


Kaiyang county signed a cooperation agreement for a rural industrial revitalization project with Guiyang Agricultural Investment Development Group on April 19.


Kaiyang county ranks among China's top 100 for spring tourism


Kaiyang county in Guiyang is listed among China's top 100 cities and counties for spring tourism.


Invest in Guiyang


Guiyang, "Zhu" ("筑" in Chinese, homophonic word of bamboo< 竹,zhu>) in short, is the capital of Guizhou Province and located in the geometric center of Western China. With a land area of 8,043square kilometers, Guiyang consists of 6 districts, 1 county-level city and 3 counties, with a national high-tech industrial zone, a national economic and technological development zone, a national integrated free trade zone and a national airport economic zone. As of 2018, it has a permanent population of 4,882,000. Guiyang is populated by 49 different ethnic groups including Han, Miao and Buyi, among which 11 are minorities residing here for generations.


Procedures for establishing a company in Guiyang


The investor must submit materials to the Municipal Development and Reform Commission of Guiyang. The Guiyang Municipal Development and Reform Commission will then provide a notice of acceptance upon examination of said documents. The commission will subsequently issue an approval document for the project. Upon approval, the investor must then undergo procedures regarding use of land, urban planning, import of equipment and reduction or remission of taxes.


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