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Guiyang blockchain service platform placed at 'national outstanding-level'

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-11-01

The Xianglian Sovereign Blockchain Alliance Service Platform of the Guiyang Information Technology Research Institute has completed its open permission chain capability assessment and was designated "outstanding" (level 3), the highest level in the assessment. It is the first domestic open permission chain platform to achieve this.

This shows that its service capabilities are among the highest in China.

The open permission chain capability assessment was initiated by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology in 2023. It involves 15 capabilities of open permission chain platforms, with a total of 88 evaluation items and three levels: level 1 (basic), level 2 (excellent), and level 3 (outstanding).

The Guiyang Information Technology Research Institute is a research and development institution and collaborative innovation platform in the fields of blockchain, big data, and smart cities in Guizhou.

The Xianglian Sovereign Blockchain Alliance Service Platform was self-developed by the institute and has conducted pilot applications in 10 scenarios.

Xianglian is the first sovereign blockchain core technology platform in China and has completed the blockchain service filing of the Cyberspace Administration of China. It has also facilitated the successful application for "National Blockchain Innovation Application Comprehensive Pilot" by the Guiyang Municipal Government, ranking 6th among 15 selected cities nationwide.

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