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Guiyang to renovate old residential areas and laneways

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2021-05-18

A meeting focused on the renovation of Guiyang city's old residential areas and laneways was held on May 4, marking the beginning of the revitalization project.

According to information released at the meeting, from 2021-23, the city will implement renovation projects on 235 shanty towns and renewal projects on 123 old communities. It will also upgrade a total of 1,106 laneways within the city.

Both old residential areas and shanty towns are characterized by long periods of use and poor-quality housing infrastructure with many potential safety risks.

Laneways are narrow roads that connect communities with major or minor streets. They are essential transportation corridors for communities but are often plagued with unsanitary and messy conditions.

The renovation work launched by the government aims to improve citizens' living conditions, making Guiyang a more habitable and modern metropolis.

Guiyang's bureau of housing and urban-rural development is currently formulating detailed plans for the renovation initiative to ensure all tasks are fulfilled within three years as required.

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